10 mai 2006

Pêche à la mouche

Mon travail (actuel) m'amène dans les patries les plus variées. Aujourd'hui, je suis à North Bay à donner un cours à Bell, notre plus fidèle client.

Les magasins de bière ferment à 18h.

Le gars du club vidéo n'a pas voulu me louer de film.

Il m'a fallu marcher 4 km avant de trouver un signal WiFi.

Les mouches noires sont sorties.

Et ici, pêcher à la mouche, ça veut dire que ce sont les mouches qui mangent les poissons.

Mon vol de retour demain m'amène à la maison vers 1h du matin.

Et comme si tout ça n'était pas assez, je n'ai pas été gentil avec Nancy hier et j'ai le coeur en boule :(

North Bay sucks.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Well, you see Burt, like my Mom used to say, "That's God punishing you!" for being nasty to my favourite friend!!??!!

No, really, um, North Bay, ya, that sounds like a real drag but thankfully you don't have to stay there ... did you actually do any fly fishing (something I've always wanted to try, honestly)!!!

I know it's probably really hard for both of you right now not having each other physically close, but you both know you will get over the bumps and it'll be smooth sometimes and yucky other. But you'll be together really soon and that'll reassure you both that you're doing the right thing.

Sending you lots of love,

Unknown a dit...


Unknown a dit...

Lynn, no, I didn't go fly-fishing but like you, that's something I have on my life-to-do-list.

As for being punished, I think I was the one who did it to myself. As you can see however, things are better now.